Adoption Reality Show Flops
According to British Newspapers, Fox's new Adoption Reality show really flopped in ratings this week.
The Adoption Reality Show "Who's Your Daddy", in which adopted children guess the identity of their father, received poor TV ratings. Figures show 6.3 million people watched the show on Fox Monday. The show featured an adoptive child winning $100,000 by identifying her birth father from a line-up of eight men. The show was met with protests from the US National Council For Adoption.
Thomas Atwood of the National Council for Adoption said, "Adoption is a very personal, meaningful experience and it should not be commercialized like this."
On the adoption reality show the adoptive child correctly identified her birth father and, in a further twist, was also reunited with her birth mother at the end.
Fox producers say the adoption show was a "positive experience".

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